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My Review of The National Library of Indonesia


In this blog I want to tell my review of the tallest libary in the world, The National Library of Indonesia. My first visit is when me and my friend wanted to do our robotik homework. At that time we do some research of National Library at internet and there's still very few information about it, even in the library's official website. So with this blog, hopefully i can give you information that you want to get from this huge library.

Entry Gate

I usually go to The National Library using gocar, bus, or just walking from my College. If you are using bus, you can get off at Balai Kota stop. There's also a drop point and a parking lot at the basement.

At the first floor I came to locker area, the keeper gave me a transparent bag and a locker key with the locker number on it. After that I decided to create a Member Card at second floor, unfortunately the quota is already run out, so I can't create the member card, if you want to create member card you can come early, so you don't end up like me.

Canteen and Mosque


After doing our homework, we went to canteen for lunch. The queue is never empty, so I must wait a little bit longer just to pay for the food, and wait the food to be delivered after the payment which is not very efficient for me personally.

After that we went to mosque to pray for ashar, and went home after returning the transparent bag and the locker key.

Favorite Place

There is much of cozy place that suitable for study or doing work. One of my favorite is floor 12A, 16, and 19. Every place in that floor is really quite, everybody doing their things and respect each other.

When I went to 19th floor, the keeper told me to put my drink on the shelf. In this floor, me and my friends college friend usually rents a room for us to study together. The room capacity is up to 16 person, this is the biggest capacity that The National Library has (open room for rent without proposal).



That's all my review of The National Library, this is just my opinion of it. There's still much of amazing place that you really worth to try. Hopefully this blog will give some useful information for someone who research this National Library. Thanks! :D